Up obnoxiously early this morning. Must have something to do with the amount of Riesling consumed last night.
Brie gave me a fright. I fed the girls their evening crunchies (homemade rat cereal - includes human cereals, fresh blueberries, dried fruit, soy beans, etc) and was still cooing over them when I spotted Brie in the corner. Her head was lurching back in forth in a gagging motion and white foam gathered around her mouth. First reaction: panic. Second Reaction: stay calm, sides still heaving in and out, must be still able to breath...I watched her for what seemed an eternity, and then she sat up, washed her face and ran to retrieve another rat crunchy. Clearly, the incident was more traumatic for me than it was for her.
So I ran to the internet to find out how to help a choking rat - in case it ever happens again. Turns out you do the ratty swing.
And foods with skins - like blueberries - are dangerous to rats. Peel before giving it to them...
Still feeling somewhat guilty about not yet inviting S's friends K and C over to the house for dinner and whatnot. We've been to their home several times since moving here. Reciprocity is necessarry, but evil. I don't know them well. What will I do? What will I say? Had K and A over, but they are so boisterous and laid back, they put anyone at ease. K and C are more reserved. Plus they have kids. Kids who will touch my stuff...
(brilliant nephew not included in general complaint of grabby-hands children)
Off to find a cute ratty pic and then to school to trim my bowls - I threw 5 yesterday. Finally getting ahold of the pottery wheel thing. And then...I must do battle with photoshop...wish me much luck. I will be working in the school's lab and will have to refrain from loud swearing, which is how I usually get the computer to carry out my commands.
Yes, ladies, it turns out that rats have throats that are configured in such a way that it is difficult for them to choke so badly as to completely cut off the air supply. But I did find out how to help a choking rat should he/she not make a speedy recovery.
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