Rats on Coffee

Monday, August 07, 2006

I made my first 9-1-1 call yesterday. Some eejit left a little tan spaniel in a locked car with all the windows rolled up. Then I made my second 9-1-1 call ten minutes later when the police still hadn't shown up. The policeman didn't show up until 25 minutes after the original call went through. Podunk town. Then he stood around and scratched his arse for a while wondering what to do. I was about ready to break a window myself when the woman who owned the dog finally came out of a restaraunt to see what all the commotion was about. I saw the police officer write something down and hand it to her - I hope it was a big damn fine and a ticket. Too bad he didn't just take the dog away from her. Clearly she has mush for brains. I am disgusted with both the woman and the inefficient policeman. He had two types of rods to try to pry open the door/window and he couldn't get either to work. I wanted to ask him what he would have done if the woman had not come out. Why did it take so long? Why not break the window? A life was at stake! I don't get it.
I saw the dog get up and walk around in the parking lot, but I still feel guilty. I feel like I should have made sure he got out sooner. But it's hard to know what to do. I suppose in this instance, since the dog seemed fine, it was better to not break a window...but what if it had worked out the other way? Next time, if it's a worse situation, will I break a window? I damn well hope so.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im not surprised that happened...sadly people do seem to have mush for brains and obviously the policeman didnt think a dog was worth getting worried for. A baby in the car?...the woman would have been carted off...but animals no. The world needs to change its attitude big time!

6:15 AM  
Blogger Rattie said...

I congratulate you for calling 911 because most people would have ignored the poor dog - it's just a dog who cares. At least you showed more empathy than the poce officer and that stupid woman!

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you for at least calling. Most people would have ignored it.


6:14 AM  
Blogger The Fluffy Tribe said...

People can be so stupid. I have always wondered why they leave their dogs in the car for hours, when they wouldn't sit out there in the heat. ~PM Jane

11:01 PM  
Blogger Sham said...

Thank God there are people like you around though, poor little tke.

6:56 PM  
Blogger Cisje said...

You are not to blame and don't have to feel quilty. But I understand your feelings; I would feel the same. It's a shame, the stupid way some people treat animals..But you did absolutely the right thing!

5:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am glad that you helped that poor defenseless little baby he could have been hurt or died i am soo glad you saved that precious little puppy i am soo glad that... that i am glad :] :]

i mean what would have happened if you didnt call and that retard policeman is too slow i hate him and that woman should have certainly had her Dog taken away

Ciao - Roberto

3:45 PM  
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7:58 PM  

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