Rats on Coffee

Friday, February 10, 2006

The babies are crazy. Despite saying the word "gentle" when I reach in for a pat and "treat" when I reach in with food, Mary has nipped a few times. Did not break skin, but I'm afraid of where this may be heading. And Acorn bit Steve and broke skin when Steve stuck his fingers through the cage bars. No one has ever fed them through bars. Naughty girls! We "eep" when they nip/bite...Anybody got any other ideas? We're not sneaking up on them, so startling can't be used as an excuse. Aaah, probably just ratty adolescence and excitement at the mere thought of food. Hope the habit doesn't get worse. I've had two good rat bites in the past and am not interested in experiencing a third. (please, folks, no suggestions to keep our fingers out of the cage bars, we've thought of that one already).
I did go to the extreme materials art show. Amazing stuff, really. There was a newborn boy there made of dirt. His expression was so vivid and needy that I felt compelled to pick him up and comfort him - although I did not. The piece made of duck sauce packets was one of my favorites. The artist -name already forgotten- used a large grid to structure his piece and the play of light and color was amazing. There were pieces made from tiny (found) animal bones, human teeth, fish skins, drug baggies, sand paper, garden hoses and zip ties, human hair...and then there was a beautiful piece that I noticed right away from across the room. It was gold and red swirls and pattern. I stepped up to take a closer look and discovered that the artist had used gold leaf and her own menstrual blood to make this piece. Now, I like to think of myself as a forward thinker, open to new ideas and different kinds of folks, but I was sort of taken aback by this. And I guess that was part of the point. I tried to google image some things to post up here and show you, but had no luck. I admit I didn't try very hard...
Oooh, I just spied Mary head-sleeping...Must...go...pat...her....too sweet...


Blogger Lackadaisical said...

I think you don't have to worry about the nipping - all my rats will lunge to bite if you put your fingers through the bars and they're all very good outside. And most of the rats have got through a nipping biting stage but they do grow out of it.

10:42 AM  
Blogger Molly and Elvis said...

Thanks, Ladies. As I have already tried the foul language and don't dare try to pinch the girls noses, I think I'll go with Sham on this one and wait for them to grow out of this stage...

8:27 AM  

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