Rats on Coffee

Friday, April 07, 2006

We have three main pieces of furniture in the living room - a loveseat, a sofa and a chaise. Molly is most fond of the loveseat so the other two pieces have remained relatively fur-free. When Elvis came along, the two dogs alternated between loveseat and sofa. This left a fur-free chaise. To encourage this fur-free chaise, I grabbed up all the throw pillows from around the room - 8 in all- and laid them out on the chaise, thinking that this would deter the hound from jumping up on it. *sigh* In reality I made his dreams of a lush bed come true. I came home from school the other day to find that he had pushed all of the pillows toward the top of the chaise and had snuggled up on top of them.
Last night, I watched as Elvis accidentally kicked one of *his* pillows to the floor. He calmly jumped down to the floor, gently took the pillow into his mouth, jumped back up on to *his bed* with it and resumed his snuggle.
Not wanting to encourage pillow mouthing, I ran to get him his baby blanket with the little teddy bear attached (actually a baby toy), his stuffed drill from Auntie K, and his stuffed saw, also from Auntie K. I left them on the floor. I returned about 15 minutes later to find all his toys lined up on *his bed*, the teddy between his paws.
My only regret about Elvis is that I don't know how to make video posts. He can wag his tail both like a helicopter and side-to-side. His routine before walks is a quick helicopter, a "down-dog" position, arse in air, and then a side-to-side, still in down dog. Then a hop to whoever's holding the leash.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

he is too cute! can't wait to see the waggie tail.maybe for christmas he will get his own pillow from
auntie k

12:05 PM  
Blogger Molly and Elvis said...

Oooh, he would LOVE his own pillow - how cute would that be? When he was in the shelter, they had so many dogs that he didn't have a bed - had to sleep on cold, bare concrete floor. Can you imagine? Poor boy.

1:40 PM  
Blogger Lynn said...

How's the chaise lounge fairing? Still ignored by the doggie-types?

11:14 PM  

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