"It was 25 minutes away and during rush hour?"
*hee hee hee*
*ha ha ha*
"And it cost $90?!"
"Way to go, Brie, you could be Riff's minion, that's so norty."
"Yeah and it was worth it, too, cause I only got put into the basket for a minute and found out that I only weigh 266 grams."
"Skinny bitch!"
"So then what?"
"The vet say she don't know what's wrong wif me."
"She looked in my throat and there wasn't nothing caught in there, my eyes were bright and I only did that scary breathing with my mouth open a little - not like when I did it here for Mom."
"Good one, Brie!"
"Way to go - a fake out!"
"Yeah, but then the bad thing happened."
"Tell us!"
"The vet lady took me in back away from mum and I got fluids injected under my skin and it made a big huge lump on my back and it leaked."
"Yeah, I was so miffed, but then mum saw me and she said "Oh no what's that?" and then she said "Poor baby" and gave me cuddles and made a fuss and it didn't hurt me none, but it made Mum feel bad, so it was all worth it."
"Serves her right!"
"Yeah, and now she has to give me medicine, but I will only take it in baby food."
"Neat trick. I want to try."
"The best is to pretend to be sick at night - then you have to go to the 'mergency vets and it costs hundreds of dollars and they just tell mum to go to the regular vets in the morning cause they don't know ratties."
"I wanna try that!"
"Why is you need medicine if you're not sick?"
"For just in case."
"In case what?"
"In case I do have a respiratory infection and for pain medicines in case I aspirated."
"Are you really sick, Brie?"
"I will never tell....just get me my baby food!"
Mum's note:
"Hey! Get out of here! This is our post...
ahem...Mum's note - Yes it's true that the vet had no defnitive answer as to why Brie was breathing through her mouth and making a clicking sound while doing so. Her thoughts are that it could be a previous choking that left Brie's throat sore and traumatized or....congenital heart failure. Let's all hope it's the former. The vet did do x-rays, but fortunately did not charge me for those. She did them "for her own interest." It showed a cloudy mass on Brie's left side - perhaps her heart moved over or there is something in her lungs. Hard to tell with these tiny buggers. Brie is currently still clicking while she breathes but otherwise instigating just as much trouble as she always has. She is refusing to pose for pictures.