We have been tagged by Animal Magic (imagine that I know what I'm doing and inserted the link here). Here are the rules: The player of this game starts with "5 wierd things/habits about yourself." In the end you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names. The person who gets tagged must write a blog about their 5 wierd things/habits, as well as state the rules clearly, then tag five more victims. Don't forget to leave your victim a comment that says, "You're tagged," and tell them to read your blog. Since I have five furries, I figured that I would list one wierd thing about each. Here goes!
Molly's eyes are powerful magnets that draw all humans toward her. Once under her spell it is impossible to walk past her without falling to her paws and worshipping her, even if it means that you will be late for work. (Molly will soon be celebrating her 1 year adoption anniversary with us)
Elvis (who just won the BLUE ribbon in his obedience class) has a little problem with substrates. He is fine on a carpeted floor, fine on a hardwood floor, fine on a laminate floor, etc...but...when asked to walk from the carpet to the laminate floor, or from the wood floor to the carpeted floor....he slowly creeps to the doorway, then DASHES back toward the other end of the room...sloooowly creeps to the doorway, then RUNS MANIACALLY to the other end of the room....slooooooooooooooowly creeps to the doorway, tip-toes ever so carefully on to the new surface, then RACES through the new room. What a goof.
Mary DOES NOT STASH FOOD!!!!! That I see.
Ace sleeps on her side, in a kidney shape, with her tail curled in front of her. She holds her tail with both hands and rests her chin on her tail's tip. Unfortunately, I have not been able to catch this cuteness on film.
Olive often rests in the position of a sphinx, with her hands clutched in little balls.
I tag Kelsea and Yummy (imagine again that I have inserted their links. Kelsea and Yummy, if you choose to do this, please leave your links in the comments here). All of our other fuzzy friends have been tagged already!