Rats on Coffee

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Just finished the last written exam for the quarter. Still have 2 papers to go and two crits - 1 crit tomorrow and papers and last crit on Fri.
I miss my dog. I dropped her off at the vet's at 9 am. She was so good. Sat still and proper on the scale while the tech weighed her. She made me so proud.
And then the ugly time came, the time when I handed over the least to the techs and watched as they tried to pull Molly into the back room. Molly kept pleading with me not to leave. She strained on the leash toward me, then hunkered down. If she wasn't going back to Mom, she was going nowhere at all! I know it's only a day that she's there, but the poor girl has been pysically abused and dumped at the same animal shelter twice in the past year and a half. God only knows what happened to her before then. I can only imagine that she feels abandoned again and I cannot wait until 5:40 tonight when I can pick her up. We are supposed to be talking to the vet about Molly's ex-rays, too, but good luck, Doc! I'm gonna be making smoochy noises at my dog and giving her pats. To heck with your analysis!
Anyway...I'm going to stare at the rat cage for a while and try to rationalize putting off cleaning it until tomorrow.


Blogger Lynn said...

I see lots of head scritching and patting in Molly's future.

3:13 PM  
Blogger Molly and Elvis said...

M'Rat, the funny thing is that I'm probably more upset than Molly. She's zonked out on anesthesia, dreaming about finally being able to chase and eat those pesky little ratties that steal mum's attention.

4:15 PM  
Blogger Molly and Elvis said...

Lynn - there's always lots of patting in Molly's present, her future...she's the real lady of the house. I stepped down willingly a couple of months ago.

4:16 PM  
Blogger Molly and Elvis said...

M'Rat - who is that fuzzy yellow goof, anyway?

4:16 PM  
Blogger Molly and Elvis said...

M'Rat, Americans are too refined for things of that sort.

5:11 PM  

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